Citizen Groups
Name | Description | Country | Website |
ADICONSUM | Associazione Difesa Consumatori APS | Italy | |
ADOC | Association for the Defense and Orientation of Consumers | Italy | |
AIRM | Italian Association of Medical Radioprotection | Italy | |
Altroconsumo | Organizzazione di consumatori | Italy | |
Amici della Terra | Associazione ambientalista riconosciuta | Italy | |
ANCI | Associazione Nazionale Comuni Italiani | Italy | |
ANPCI | Associazione Nazionale Piccoli Comuni di Italia | Italy | |
Cittadinanzattiva | Active citizenship network | Italy | |
ELINYAE | Greek Institute for Occupational Health & Safety | Greece | |
EMHET | Union of Telecommunications Scientists & Engineers OTE | Greece | |
Federconsumatori | Associazione di Promozione Sociale | Italy | |
FOR | Fondazione Ottimisti e Razionali | Italy | |
INSHT | Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo | Spain | |
INSST | Instituto Nacional de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo | Spain | |
Legambiente | environmental association | Italy | |
NVVK | Nederlandse Vereniging voor Veiligheidskunde (occupational hygienists) | Netherlands | |
OCU | Organización de Consumidores y Usuarios | Spain | |
PAF | Physical Agents Portal | Italy | |
SIML | Italian Society of Occupational and Industrial Medicine (occupational hygienists) | Italy | |
StopUMTS | StopUMTS | Netherlands | |
Swissinfo | Multilingual international news and information company | Switzerland | |
U.Di.Con. | Union for the protection of consumers | Italy | |
UNCEM | Unione Nazionale Comuni Comunità Enti Montani | Italy |